Feb 7, 2011

Sometimes.. I just really hate ADDMATH!!

Posted by Nez 0 comments

I dunno whose paper is this.. But seriously?? A+!! 
ME? I barely even get 40.. more like i never EVER PASS addmath exam..
yeah suck right? 
what can i do?? to be good in addmath? nothing.. haha
because the more i'm trying to understand.. the crazy i become..

I never know why there's must be toooooo MANY formulas..
the questions always ask something weird..
if F(x) = 2x+1 and g(x) = 2x+d and gf(x) = 4x+956., find the value of d

my face usually like this when i got the question sheet (。_∀_。)
yes. upside down..
i was like what the hell? what do u need the answer for?

i do wish to be genius in math like most of my friends..
i mean is it fun to be genius? =D now everybody in the class will always depends on u everytime the teacher ask to answer the question.. haha

u know, like this dude up there xD

sometimes when my teacher ask me like, why i haven't finish my addmath exercises yet. i will answer
"Teacher, does resolve the questions will prevent the global warming?"

guess what happen??
YES!! my teacher treat me special than other students :D by asking me by to do the exercise outside the class!! yeay me!!


Feb 6, 2011

[Random Post] HOMEWORK!!!!

Posted by Nez 0 comments

Our favorite topic!! YES!! HOMEWORK!!
i think i should put S (HOMEWORKS)

Seriously, whoever can escape from homework? no one!! right?
I mean, like everyday our teachers will give us homework..
the less u ask.. the more u'll get..  -____-
so? yes, we are (student) will again and again repeat the same thing..

What the point the teacher give us homework?
yeah, NONE..
WHY?? Because even though the teachers ask us to do it at holidays.,
we end up DOING the homework on a very LAST day of the holidays..
am I right??
well, most of the ppl.. some ppl just love to done their homeworks early..
ME? haha xD please son't ask again..


1. Say to your teacher that you were too busy to resolve the global warming problem
2. Your Cat is heartbroken for giving her kittens to her boyfriend and u need to chill her down..
3. Someone come to your house and borrowed ur stationaries and never return it back..
5. You were allergic to papers
6. You always FACE the BOOK and forget about anything else
7. Your cat ate your homeworks.. and then that cat died so u have to do a funeral
8.My other neighbourhood caught on fire and you helped.. but end up on the hospital
9.My hand is shaking when i hold a pen or pencil
10.I'm too lazy to think the answers


Miss You all!! the KPOP LOVERS!!! ヽ(*’-^*)。

Posted by Nez 0 comments

Yeah, I miss you guys so much!! WHO??
the readers!!! yeay!!!
okay, i haven't been update blog for such a VERY LONG TIME!!
there's only 2 reasons for that..
1.I'm not THAT into KPOP anymore... (yeah ppl changed)
2. I didn't even know any of my readers :0

So just drop by at the Chat box okay~^^
then i'll know who still reading or not...
and don't forget to follow me on FACEBOOK!!

hope you guys had a good time~
see ya...

(lol~ random photo :P.. i think they look extremely hot!!)

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