Feb 12, 2009

Goo Hye Sun is in trouble…

Posted by Nez
Goo Hye Sun Trouble …and it’s not because of Goo Joon Pyo, but from a lack of sleep due to her extremely tight filming schedule on the KBS drama “Boys Over Flowers”. Many of you know Goo Hye Sun as Geum Jandi on the hit drama. There are reports that Goo Hye Sun can only get 1 to 2 hours of sleep a day since she is in so many scenes in the drama. There are even situations where the actress isn't even allowed to go home due to such a hectic filming schedule. In some cases the actress gets no sleep at all and continues filming the next day. Goo Hye Sun is known as a “one man show” due to her being in over 80% of the scenes in "Boys Over Flowers". Being the professional actress that she is, Goo Hye Sun has yet to complain about her schedule and she continues to film the drama without too many other complications.

This sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. As we all know many actors/singers push themselves to the edge to perform and we also know they end up being hospitalized. Boys Over Flowers is only halfway through its projected 2 seasons which means Goo Hye Sun will be pushing herself to the extreme for several more weeks.

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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