Goo Hye Sun is suffering, not from the trouble making Goo Joon Pyo, but from a lack of sleep. This is due to the tight filming schedule of KBS drama “Boys Over Flowers”.
Goo Hye Sun, who plays the role of Geum Jandi in the hit drama “Boys Over Flowers”, barely gets any sleep due to the busy filming schedules. Filming that ends in the early morning hours and begins at dawn is the main reason for her lack of sleep.
According to the staff, Goo Hye Sun only gets to sleep for about 1 to 2 hours a day. Times where she does not even sleep at all, and reports to filming the next day is not rare either. There are numerous days when she can’t even go home and has to sleep near the filming area.
The reason for her lack of sleep is due to the large quantity of scenes that she is in, and because the staff travels around the whole country looking for beautiful places to film in.
Goo Hye Sun is in more than 80% of the drama. There are only about one or two scenes that Geum Jandi is not in. The phrase,“Goo Hye Sun’s one man show”, did not come from no where. Due to the large amount of filming, the time required is just as large.
A representative stated, “Among the actors, Goo Hyesun has it the hardest. You can’t even compare her to the others.” He added, “She has 1-2 hours of sleep each day, and many times, she’s not even sleeping at her house, but in the filming area.”
“If it were any other actor/actress they could have complained, but Goo Hye Sun is not like that.” He went on to let us know that “She’s always the first one at the filming place, ready to act. She’s being an example to the new actors that she’s working with.”
One of the managers of an actor in “Boys Over Flowers” called Goo Hye Sun “a true pro,” and went on to add, “Even when she may be tired, she tries her hardest, never just enough to get by. Despite the fact that she’s a senior to the other main actors, she’s more humble than any other and films with passion.”
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Credits:© JUNSUxLOVE + dunlop09+YG World
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