Feb 12, 2009

Wonder Girls Interview with Dipdive

Posted by Nez
We all know that the Wonder Girls conducted an English interview with Ningin at the 2008 Chuseok Festival. Well, the Wonder Girls came back to the U.S. and hung out at the Grammy-Nominated Artist Exhibition in Los Angeles. There, Dipdive interviewed the Wonder Girls (more specifically, Ye Eun).

The Wonder Girls have definitely improved their English, and I know I’m incredibly proud of them. What really did scare me was when they came out with new names! Mimi? Sun? NO! I think we all know their real names are beautiful, and they shouldn’t need to change them. The Wonder Girls shouldn’t need to change so much for America. Also, don’t let Ye Eun be the only one to sing! All the girls have incredible talent that they can show off.

Wonder Girls Interview with Ningin on Chuseok Festival ‘2008
Wonder Girls Interview On Grammy nominated Artist Exhibition in L.A.’2009

Take out with full credit.
Credits:iL0VEsunmi@YT +Asianfanatics.
Shared by:Copycatmemory
Source: sunmijjang

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