Apr 24, 2009

1 plane added for SS501's air travel with fans due to overwhelming response,

Posted by Nez

Five-man idol group SS501's upcoming fan meeting that's open to all fans caused a race to snatch up the seats.

SS501's agency, DSP, revealed, "There'll be an activity that lets fans travel together with SS501 in early May, and as Japanese and Korean fans are taking part, the response has been overwhelming. As such, the initial number of vacancies for 2 planes isn't enough, and a third plane has been added." In addition, "These 3 planes are chartered specially for the fans and SS501."

Initially, the airline's itinerary was for 2 planes to carry the fans and SS501 from Gimpo to Jeju or from Busan to Jeju, with SS501 serving the fans personally on board. But as the seats were snatched up in 2 hours, a response that was unexpected, so with the support of the airline, we've added another flight from Gimpo to Jeju for this activity."

DSP also mentioned "SS501 is thankful for the support of the fans and is looking forward to having fun at the fan meeting. They'll also work hard to show their best, to reciprocate the fans."

After arriving at Jeju Island on 2nd May, SS501 will carry out a 2 days 1 night event with the fans. The event will be held at Jeju Island's convention centre, and accommodations are currently booked for KAL hotel. There'll also be a garden party and various other activities held with the fans.

In mid-May, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Hyung Jun, Kim Kyu Jong, Heo Young Saeng and Park Jung Min, the 5 members of SS501 will release a special project album.

Take out with full credits.
Credits: newsen.com + Julieann @ hyunjoongchina.com + (english translation) SS5014ever @ quainte501.com

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