May 31, 2009

Dong Bang Shin Ki makes a cameo; aims for top sales

Posted by Nez

, the Japanese movie in which superstar Korean group, Dong Bang Shin Ki made a small cameo in, is going to show in cinemas in Taiwan soon. Taiwanese fans have made plans to show their support by booking cinemas by the halls, even though the cameo made is only about ten seconds or more.

Meisa Kuroki plays the female lead in , an exceptionally gifted ballet genius, and in order to perfect the role, she practiced ballet non-stop for three months. And DBSK, who sang the theme song for the movie, also cameos as a well-known group, making the movie even more enticing for moviegoers.

Taiwanese Cassiopeians will be booking the cinema halls on the 30th of May, supporting their idols in the most concise action ever.

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