Jul 8, 2009

Miryo’s Brown Eyed Girls teaser

Posted by Nez

Finally! There’s my girl, Miryo~

It’s here folks. The final teaser for the upcoming album of Brown Eyed Girls, featuring rapper Miryo. Under the tune of a “How Come” remix, Miryo’s teaser is by far the closest to what people expect when they hear “city girl.” She rocks out in a nice looking car, alongside Narsha, as it surfs through traffic in a tunnel. I’m really digging Miryo’s new feminine street style as well.

Now that all the teasers have been unveiled, I’m starting to see a progressive theme. Narsha’s teaser begins with the idyllic purity of the countryside, then Ga-in’s teaser illustrates a submersion into the dangerous waters of urban life. After experiencing too much city fun, JeA settles down in her apartment and gets the creative juices flowing. With the final teaser, Miryo embodies the funky city girl just enjoying the simple pleasures of urban living. Overanalyzing? Yeah, I think so too, but it’s nice to imagine a bigger picture.

Now, all we got to do is sit back, listen to some music on our big bulky headphones, and wait for their comeback to finally arrive.

Take out with full credits.
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