Chinese heartthrob Hankyung (Hangeng) appeared in a recent spot for ZSM Eye Drops:
Video Credit: yuriyuri1111
I like the premise of the commercial - use these eye drops, and Hankyung will come waltzing into your classroom!
Fellow members Donghae and Kyuhyun are preparing an advertisement of their own for Happy Bath Face Cream, with pictures from the filming sessions surfacing on various sites.
The identity of the female appearing with the boys in the CF is unknown as of now, but it doesn't really matter, as she might as well just be named "current object of ELF envy". The CF will inevitably be adorable, and fans are hoping for a fan-service scene in which Donghae and/or Kyuhyun apply facial cream on each other.
Speaking of Donghae, fancams and higher-quality audio captures of his self-composed solo track "Beautiful", which debuted during SuJu's Seoul Super Show concert, have made their way to Youtube. The creative talents of SuJu's Sungmin and Ryeowook have previously been on display (the two composed "Love U More" from the repackaged "Sorry Sorry" album), but Donghae's musical mind is a new novelty for the K-pop world. Considering the tightness of this track, however, there might just be a future star composer underneath Donghae's cutie visage.
Video Credit: ShellyyBabehh
mmm... Eunhae...
Video Credit: HyukGem
I really hope SM releases an official version of this song sometime, for both Donghae's sake and his fans' enjoyment.
Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory
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