Aug 1, 2009

Yunho fans bribe media outlets with food

Posted by Nez
Aw the Cassie's... you gotta love their dedication to their artists!

In celebration of TVXQ Yunho's casting in the upcoming MBC drama, "Heading to the Ground",10 media outlets received visits from 3 members (2 of which were 23 years old and one was 30!) of Yunho's fanclub, "With Yunho," yesterday, Korea time (they work fast!). They brought along with them 3 watermelons, cookies, rice cakes and drinks in order to bribe the media to support Yunho.

"Since this is Yunho's first challenge in acting, for this drama, we would like the media to support him in this venture. We want things to go well for Yunho more than anything," they commented.
See, this is where you make your mistake ladies: regardless of whether you showed up there or not, this drama is going to be huge. Yunho could sit on a chair and stare at the camera for the entire hour of all the 16 episodes of this drama and it would be a national hit. It doesnt take much - just a couple good looking faces... haven't you ever heard of Boys Over Flowers?!

credits: sharingyoochun

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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