Sep 29, 2009

September: Cursed Month for the Guys?

Posted by Nez

If you haven't noticed already, September seems to be the cursed month for our favorite boy idol groups.

It isn't even halfway through September, yet fans have been bombarded with negative news regarding their favorite idols. TVXQ is having problems with SM Entertainment, leader Jaebeom left 2PM and Korea, SS501's Kim Hyun Joong was diagnosed with swine flu (H1N1), and Super Junior's Kangin is under investigation for possible assault.

The MySpace comments written by 2PM leader Jaebeom back in 2005 are discovered and made public, causing an uproar amongst Korean netizens. Though Jaebeom wrote an apology letter on his homepage, netizens were unforgiving & went so far as to create a suicide petition as "punishment".

Despite receiving an apology from the 2PM leader himself, the hate amongst many netizens continued growing. Jaebeom was not able to withstand all the netizens' remarks regarding his controversy and wrote another letter of apology, this time confirming his departure in 2PM.; the 2PM left for Seattle mere hours after this announcement. Right now, dedicated 2PM fans are protesting against JYPE & are boycotting to bring their beloved leader back. To say that this issue was enormous is an understatement - the impact of this departure on the remaining 2PM members, Korea and the rest of the world is obvious.

While in Japan for Boys Over Flowers' promotions, SS501's Kim Hyun Joong was diagnosed with the swine flu on the 7th. As a result, the singer-actor stayed in the country for the week for medical treatments. On the 15th, he was discharged from the hospital and returned to Korea on the 16th and reassured all of his worried fans.

Lawsuits between SM Entertainment and TVXQ's Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu that erupted in the summer are currently undergoing review by the court. The problems that have arisen have caused a flurry of panic amongst fans, including the birth of false disbandment rumors and dismay over TVXQ's absence at Dream Concert this year. We're still waiting for an official notice regarding the settlement and official decision, which should be out this month.

Super Junior's Kangin is arrested for assault during a breakout at a bar. It was reported that the idol was involved in an argument with two people of another party, which later resulted into a brawl. He pleaded his innocence stating that he was only a victim, but as more evidence is released, many are questioning the validity of this statement. As this controversy develops, Kangin's activities have been canceled one by one.

September is turning out to be really a bad month for our boy idol groups, but just as much as it was bad, I'm positive there will be more good news in the future. Hopefully, the string of bad news will stop now for this month. Chin up, fans - after all, once you hit rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up!

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Shared by:Copycatmemory

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