Dec 20, 2009

Big Bang copycats in China?

Posted by Nez
Last week we reported about SNSD copycats in China as well as the Thai 2NE1. Though many were not sure whether they was just coincidences, this new clone seems to have a unanimous vote.

This video isn't exactly new and many of you might have already seen it earlier this summer in a previous article. It's a music video of a Chinese singer who is performing a song very similar to Big Bang's Last Farewell. In fact, the beats are so identical, he even calls himself OK-BANG. Not to mention, the music video is practically a duplicate (besides the fact that it's poorly made) so it's almost impossible to pass this off as a cover or a remake. Even though it was known to many in the summer, Korean Netizens have just found this video now.

Netizens have been saying, "It's ridiculous", "Just how far are they going to go?" and "How could they rip off this much?"

According to Chinese press, the "Korea's idol group training system has now been adapted by Chinese idol groups." Apparently, OK-Bang's entertainment group hired a trainer from Korea to specifically give them the oh so good Korean treatment.

But really, is the Korean training the real reason behind Big Bang's success? Of course it has its role in the matter but it looks like OK-Bang is missing something. Whatever that "x factor" is they better find it fast because as time progresses, more Korean netizens are becoming furious at the near mention of the group.

For once, it's taken netizens longer than usual to discover this, but now that they have, OK-BANG is receiving much negative feedback, but do you agree? Should an artist be able to do what he wants or are there some things in this world that are too sacred to mess with? One thing's for sure, this guy definitely doesn't have the swagger to pull off the Big Bang look. Seriously, who wears leather jackets with spikes and sailor hats anymore?

Big Bang


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Shared by:Copycatmemory

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