Dec 20, 2009

Bloody letters for G-Dragon and Taeyang

Posted by Nez
This has become quite the trend now hasn't it? We realize that fandom can go to new heights but seriously, is a bloody letter the best way to express your love for someone? It apparently seems so to some fans as images of a two new bloody letters have surfaced for Big Bang's G-Dragon andTaeyang.

The letters seem to be from two different girls and was uploaded via Twitter. They're not as bad as the previous bloody letters we've seen but that doesn't mean it's not bad at all. The fans released 3 images: one of the first fan cutting her neck and palm for Taeyang, two of the second fan cutting her neck and wrist for G-Dragon, and third a photo of both the first and second images compiled together. Now, they're not super grotesque and are just cuts and nips but even still it's quite disturbing. If you're not easily shaken and have a strong gut, you can see the photos here.

Although it looks like it, let's hope that this bloody letter thing doesn't become a copycat trend. In fact this is getting a bit lame, I don't think we'll write about this any more in the near future. Attention seekers don't need attention.

Thanks to jenjen for the tip!

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