An encouragement advertisement posted on the newspaper by Big Bang GDragon’s fans has recently been the topic of interests amongst netizens.
‘DCInside GDragon Gallery’ DCGD is known to have posted up 2 advertisement on JongHap Daily Newspaper on 23rd December and 18th November. Attention is drawn to the advertisements as the fans come together to collect funds to post up an encouragement message to GDragon, who was recently caught under criticisms for his solo concert, and also their say about the case.
The advertisement posted on 18th Novemeber “Cannot find GDragon” as the title and the phrase “Page cannot be displayed” doing a parody of the internet, expressing their unhappiness to YG Entertainment on how GDragon was not active for his solo activities. There was also a print written at the bottom of the page “This advertisement has nothing to do with YG Entertainment which cares more about its own image than its singers’ careers.”
And recently on 23rd December, fans who were unhappy about some parts to the concert being deleted out from GDragon’s concert DVD posted another advertisement in the newspaper, “It is the passion made by GDragon and 24,000 other fans! Touching!! We wish to feel that touching moments again with an uncut DVD”.
There was also the phrase written on the recent ad “The audience shall assess the concert performance”.
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Credit:K BITES
Shared by:Copycatmemory
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