The members of 2NE1 participated in delivering packages for 11st. The girls also participated in a joint SK Telecom / 11st clothing auction where they auctioned off the clothing they wore for the 11st deliveries to charity.
The auction started on the 11th of February and ended yesterday. The total bids for all the auctions combined reached around 10 million WON, which is around $9,000 USD. The starting point for the clothing was 1000 WON (which is less than a dollar), so that is quite an achievement.
The highest fetched item was Sandara Park’s clothing which reached a bid of around 3.24 million WON (around $3000 USD). The bids for the other three members were roughly around 2 million WON to 2.5 million WON each.
The money will go to a charity for people with hearing disabilities.
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