Feb 7, 2010

BEAST’s Dongwoon thanks his fans

Posted by Nez

BEAST’s Dongwoon wrote a diary entry on his minihompy after BEAST’s last performance for their first mini-album promotions.

He wrote,

On October 16th, we first showed our faces to you guys. It’s now been over three months and we have just ended our first mini-album promotions. Thank you for loving and caring even though we have our weak spots.

Today (January 31st) on our last performance, our members and I were not in the best condition so we messed up a lot on stage, but being healthy is our job. We’re sorry and we’re left with regret.

With our next album, we’ll show a more developed side of us. We will work hard to do that. We hope to make you never feel embarrassed of being a fan of BEAST.

BEAST definitely succeeded in impressing me. They started on a good note with Bad Girl and kept their catchy song streak going with Mystery. Stay tuned for BEAST’s next album!

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