Feb 16, 2010

GDragon’s limited edition LV sneakers from a fan garners attention

Posted by Nez

A present given to GDragon by a fan has attracted many netizens’ attention lately.

Currently the photos of a pair of Louis Vuitton limited edition sneakers given by a fan to GDragon to congratulate him on his successful solo debut are circulating rapidly online and attracting many netizens’ attention.

The photos were originally posted up on GDragon’s fan site GDRH and was recently posted up on various online discussion sites. According to the fans, this pair of sneakers is not available at the regular stores and is only available at specific stores selling the LV shoes.

In addition, the shoes are only available to VIP customers at the specific stores. Hence many are surprised at the unique gift that GDragon has received from his fans.

Netizens said, “It is hard to be a fan without capabilities”, “This is a good present, which suits GDragon’s fashion sense” etc.

S: TVDaily

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Credits:K Bites
Shared By:Copycatmemory

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