Jo Kwon "I thought Changmin was the water seller at first"
2AM members appeared on the February 9th's episode of SBS Good Morning. Changmin auditioned and got into JYPE when he was on leave from military duties and debuted after only 3 months of practice.
"I was staying at home sick and Seulong came in with his laptop saying 'we got a new member and it's ridiculous,' " said Jo Kwon. "We were both speechless."
"At first, just by looking at his face, I thought that he was going to be a really good singer and he's going to win over with his talents. Because he just finished his military duty, his face was brown and had a lot of moles," said Jinwoon.
Seulong said that Changmin wanted to make a good first impression so he came into the vocal room with the big water filter to change it but instead, the others thought he was just a water seller.
2AM released their song "I Can't Let You Go Even If I Die" on January 21. Because of its beautiful melody, it is being loved by many.
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