Although KBS Boys Before Flowers have attracted quite a following judging from the fanfare and ratings, it has also been labelled as "lousy" by some. But the ridiculous storylines recently have led to an even bigger dispute over it.
Since the group bullying scenes in episode 1 of Boys Before Flowers, subsequent episodes have come under fire from netizens. Although the scenes did happen in the manga and the Taiwanese and Japanese drama adapations, many Koreans can't accept it for fear of copycats in real life. The criticism intensified with the latest episode shown on the 9th where scenes of attempted rape, kidnap, violence and imprisonment were played out before the viewers eyes. The whole episode felt like a bazaar where all sorts of violence were on display.
The episode itself was quite bad in terms of storyline in the first place, kind of disjointed from last week. Geum Jandi decides on earning some money by going to a dubious entertainment company called Enjoy Productions where the perverted CEO and assistant takes pictures of her in cosplay outfits. Jandi finds something wrong when she is given a over revealing outfit and is nearly raped by the perveted men. She is rescued by Min Jae Ha (Jung Ui Chul) but Jandi is in more woe as the earlier was just using her for revenge against Joon Pyo for causing his elder brother distress. It's strange to see someone (Jae Ha) step in so easily between Jandi and Joon Pyo with such relative ease and causing issues.
Jandi is thus subjected to a series of attempted murder attempts via a falling flower pot, trapped in a gas filled school lab as Jae Ha tries to convince Jandi that Joon Pyo is a bad man for doing this to her. But Jandi doesn't believe him, holding on to the belief that Joon Pyo is really kind-hearted in nature. For his revenge though, Jae Ha knocks out Jandi and imprisons her, calling Joon Pyo to come alone to save her as we end there.
Some netizens expressed their concern, "Many females are already pretty apprehensive over the case of serial killer, Kang Ho Soon who had killed and buried six women from December 2006 through last month in the southwestern area of Gyeonggi-do province. With so many students of all levels plus even small kids watching the drama now, is it appropriate to include so much violent and kidnapping scenes", "The violence should be toned down in the Korean adapation", etc.
Regardless of the bad press, Boys Before Flowers continued to lead the pack with another new record of 31.5%. MBC East of Eden got 24.4% while SBS Terroir managed 7.1%.
Shared by:Copycatmemory
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