Feb 28, 2009

W-inds member Keita's Reply to “Which Celeb Have You Been Interacting With Lately"

Posted by Nez

"At the end of last year, when TVXQ attended a variety show, JaeJoong said "Please come to Korea. I welcome you." We even exchanged numbers. Although the show ended, I hope we can still meet during music programs. I feel really happy."

There is a great bond between these two groups. They both attended last year's CDTV event. When TVXQ's name was annouced, W-inds immediately stood up and shouted "Congratulations!" Jaejoong then thanked them. They're very friendly with each other backstage too.

Take out with full credits.
Source: OhMicky.ifensi.com
Translated by: Choco@

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