Feb 12, 2009

Wonbin to get back with FT Island

Posted by Nez
Wonbin to get back with FT Island

Got some of your hopes up? Too bad because now it's shattered... Wonbin to get back with FT Island but only for some Japanese activities. He'll be joining in on one last gang bang with the boys in a love hotel in Tokyo... (just kidding)

FT Island is currently in Japan to celebrate the release of their 2007 Tokyo Concert DVD... a bit late for the release but it's never too late to make money. Wonbin joined FT Island to attend an event held by the appropriately named primadonna's (a japanese fanclub of FT Island). This will be the last event for Wonbin with FT Island.

Here's a message by Wonbin to the primadonna's. You Wonbin fans should grab a tissue before reading this... because of the poor translation (translated by: Babysister@FTIsland Thailand and s_whale - good effort though) :

However, I ‘m really sorry
I won’t be with all members and all the fans from now on…I’m really sorry
But today I wanna see Japan Primadonna for the last time, so I come
I thought for a long time, talked with everyone and finally I’ve decided
And then after I retired from the band, the rumors was spread out that I was bully by someone or I can’t get along well with all members, it’s not TRUE
Other members don’t understand what they heard but I have a chance to say everything
Jonghoon Hongki Jaejin & Minhwan : although , we wont’ be here together even I have many words to say but that can’t explain my feeling inside , but we’re so happy, for 4 years we spent together when I think about that time ,sometimes we fought I can’t say I’m happy all time but it ‘s not bad time surely ~~
Now I don’t know what do you think about me, I’m not a good guy in your opinion, right?
At that time I don’t know , but when I separated, I ‘m really know, I miss you, I ‘m really miss you
Today I’ say everything in my mind
Whenever I’ll beside you, whenever I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you…
Thanks a lot ~*
& Japan Primadonna
I wanna say “Thanks”
Really thanks
We released Japanese albums for 2 albums; we had many trouble and funny times
But I’ll keep only the wonderful moment and funny times in my memory
Thanks a lot
I wont’ forget & I can’t forget it
I don’t’ say goodbye
Someday (but I don’t know when…)
Until then…until we meet again I’ll take each day as the last day…
Japan Primadonna
Thank you very much

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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