We got a lot of questions sent in from Ningin readers. In the end, we picked 10 questions to send the Girls. Do you see one of yours?
Take it away, Wonder Girls!
After only two years since debuting, you’ve already accomplished so much. What’s your proudest Wonder Girl moment?
Of course we had many proud moments during the two years we’ve been together, but our first concert was the proudest moment we’ve experienced so far. As you know, we just had our concerts in Bangkok and the U.S. We felt so grateful to have our first concert overseas.
How did you celebrate the Wonder Girl two-year anniversary?
Our fans gave us an anniversary cake and made us a storybook filled with episodes from our performances, concerts, and TV shows. We celebrated with the cake that our fans gave us.
Why choose “Nobody” as the first US single?
The American public responded so well to “Nobody” that we believe it’s best suited for western culture.
What did you like the most about the US tour?
New York City because it’s the Big Apple. Everyone was so unique and we were excited to perform there.
If you could bring one element of American culture back to Korea, what would it be?
I think a very respectable part of Americans is that there is no age limit in being friends. People can be friends with each other despite their age.
Each single — “Tell Me”, “So Hot” & “Nobody” — had their own Wonder Girl theme. What will the next one be like?
I’m not 100% sure what the concept will be, but I’m sure that it will be unique to the Wonder Girls style and concept.
Are the you planning to release a full length album anytime soon?
There are no exact plans yet, but we’re working on it.
Are there any artists you want to collaborate with, either Korean or American?
We have a very famous singer in South Korea named In Soon E. She’s a legend and very talented. So, we would be delighted to collaborate with her.
What’s on your iPod now?
Beyonce’s “Halo” is a favorite for all of us.
What’s the best part of being a Wonder Girl?
It’s great being part of the Wonder Girls. Many people follow our dance moves, sing along to our songs, and young kids want to be like us. So, we get a chance to be role models.
Thanks to Wonder Girls for taking the time for questions! We’re looking forward to their American return, which will be soon…
Take out with full credits.
Source: ningin
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