Mar 21, 2009

Joon Pyo and Jandi Happy Ending?

Posted by Nez

Are they finally getting back together...and staying together this time? Pictures of Joon Pyo and Jandi's kiss scene has got netizens off those couches and pressed against the screen. The on-screen couple finally look happy. Even though netizen's knew that there should be a happy ending (because of the manga), they were getting pretty nervous because Joon Pyo was about to get married and Jandi kept spending time with Ji Ho. The Goo-Geum couple was starting to look unrealistic but since when are Korean drama's realistic?.

A surprising comment by the producer was that "We're working on the end of the drama right now and it could be different from the original". This means that it could be the Goo-Geum happy ending, but they could go in a different direction and have a brand new version. Personally, I believe that it'll still end with the Joon Pyo & Jandi couple because Korean dramas are known for their predictability, but you never know

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