Mar 21, 2009

A Know-how for Success from Big Bang: Go Beyond Your Limit

Posted by Nez

Recently, Kim In (CEO of Samsung SDS) gave Big Bang’s self-development book “Shouting to the World” to 300 of his executives. In the strategy meetings, he told them that “current economical crisis is like a war-zone’, and presented the book as a ‘war-survival-kit’. He also said, ‘be crazy about work, and go beyond your limit’.

The subtitle, ‘13140 days of Challenges’ of this book refers to the sum of their preparation days. Big Bang members have shed sweats and tears, 12 hours a day for several years.

Their success story has been written on top of their sweats, and the productivity of their name was derived from going out of the box.

In 2007, Big Bang rose above like ‘Lies’. You could hear the chorus ‘I’m so sorry’ from every street, and their later songs such as ‘Haru Haru’ and ‘Sunset Glow’ were also hits. Even in 2009, ‘Big Bang craze’ is present. Not only in the music industry, but to fashion, books, and character merchandise, the brand, ‘Big Bang’ is constantly evolving. Yang Hyunsuk, CEO of YG entertainment told the press that in 2007-2008, Big Bang has earned over 4,700,000,000 won (40.7 million dollars).

On January 30th, 31st and February 1st, the concert, ‘Big Show’ was on. It was a ‘war zone’ trying to get a ticket, and has set a record breaking number of 52,000 people on a single concert. By the ticket sales, goods and sponsorship, they earned another 4,000,000,000 won (4 million dollars).

Their self-development book, ‘Shouting to the World’ was sold over 300,000 copies in the first month. If you calculate this as MSRP (manufacturer suggested retail price) 15,000 won, it is already 4,500,000,000 won (4.5 millon dollars). On TV advertisements, they are on for cell phones, electronic products, clothings and drinks (over 8 advertisements), worth several million dollars.

You cannot describe them without record (music) sales. They have released 9 CDs and 5 Live CDs, counting over 1.1 million copies, resulting in 10 million dollars.

Big Bang’s official character, ‘Bangs’ was released just 2 weeks ago, and over 1.5 million people have visited the blog sites. The character will be produced into animation, games, and stationary products. Fila Korea, which introduced ‘Big Bang Limited Edition’ in last December said ‘the customer age level dropped from 30-40 years old to 10-20 years old’ after the release of Big Bang Collection. Also, the sales rate doubled, and the products sold over past 3 months are worth 4.5 millions .

The steps of Idol group writing self-development books, making fashion lines are derived from the indescribable charms of five boys, who have gave everything for singing and dancing. Looking like everyone else, they say ‘you could be just like us’ as if they were our own friends.

Frankly speaking, Big Bang has dominated the fashion trend; because of them, street brands rose above the surface, hats/caps, shawls, high-top shoes and accessories were sold like there was no tomorrow.

Big Bang differs from other idol groups in their ‘uniqueness’. They have thrown away the same uniform-like clothing, dances and songs. When they are up on the stage, they say, ‘let’s go party’.

Usually, the curve of CD sales of an idol group usually peaks in the beginning and slows down. However, Big Bang is different. When their new CD is released, their old ones also experience an increase in sales. Every month, they have released single albums after their debut, and with the new CDs, they make people go search for the previous ones. In second week of March, Hante-chart (takes records sale statistics), there are 10 of their albums on the ranks.

Idols used to be the crave of only boys and girls. However, Big Bang proud of broad fan spectrum. Older generation feel familiarity when they see Dae Sung singing ‘Look at me Gwisoon’. Men or women, young or old, everyone likes them. It is essential to have that charm which embraces every generation.

Professor Kim Nando of Seoul University says, ‘From their birth, they were incorporated with Netizens. With communication of Netizens, the group was finalized, and grew with accessibility. Big Bang is a major example of web marketing. If you can read Big Bang, the culture icon, you can see the success story. Be true and friendly, but go beyond your limit and smash the pre-existing box’.

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[김슬기 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

Translated by 코코마탑횽 @

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