Mar 14, 2009

Netizens compares China and Korean version of ‘Boys Over Flowers’

Posted by Nez

It was revealed on China portal site the uniforms that the main characters to China’s version of ‘Boys Over Flowers‘ and it has received various kinds of response from the Korean netizens.

There has been great interests in comparing the Japanese, Taiwanese and the Korean version of ‘Boys Over Flowers‘ so far. The comparisons were in terms of the appearance of the main characters, their acting and fashion.

As can be seen, it is the checkered style for the uniform fashion of the China’s version. And they also uses red colour for their ties.

The responses from netizens were mixed, “It absolutely cannot be compared to that of the Korean version”, “This looks like Korea in the 1970-80s” and “But still the female uniform looks nice on the female lead”.

The main cast to the China’s version of ‘Boys Over Flowers‘ were Jang Han (Goo Joon Pyo, Jang Han), Hwi Hao Ming (Yoon Ji Hoo, Yoo Ho Myung), Joo Tze Sao (So Yi Jung, Joo Jae Ho) and Wei Yi Cheon (Sung Woo Bin, Hwi Shin).

Take out with full credits.
Source: kbites

The chinese's F4 not handsome at all!Korean F4 is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comments on "Netizens compares China and Korean version of ‘Boys Over Flowers’"

Anonymous said...

beautiful collection...

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