Mar 15, 2009

Netizens want to spend White Day with Big Bang most; DBSK in 2nd and SJ in 3rd place

Posted by Nez
Recently, a survey was done, asking netizens which idols they want to spend White Day with the most. It was reported that Big Bang gained the most votes amongst the boy bands, receiving 161 votes (38.4%),an overwhelming response compared to Dbsk's 76 votes, coming in first. Super Junior came in 3rd, while SS501 and SHINee settled for 4th.

For the girl bands, SNSD got 91 votes (21%), beating Wonder Girls' 46 votes (10.1%), coming in first position. Following these 2 bands is Seeya in 3rd, whilst Jewelry and Kara came in 4th.

Kim Bum from '꽃보다 남자' (Boys Before Flowers) came in 1st for the person most likely to give the coolest/most handsome confession. Rain, Lee Min Ho, So Ji Sub got 2nd to 4th positions respectively.

Also, the song 'Extremely Lucky' was chosen as the song most wanted to be sung and heard when confessing.

Take out with full credits.
Source: bigbang china
Translation credits: ★VxIahsu @

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