Mar 18, 2009

Rumours of WonderGirls SunYe passing out in New York not true

Posted by Nez
News of WonderGirls SunYe passing out during their concert performance in America had taken many fans by surprise.

Photos of WonderGirls SunYe coming out of their hotel in America un-conscious have been circulating on the internet. WonderGirls are currently in America after taking part ‘The JYP Tour 009′ concert tour. The concert tour ended on the 8th.

In the photo, a female was seen with her hair all over her face and a note attached to the photo which says ‘SunYe who passed out at the hotel on 11th March’. But WonderGirls‘ representative had denied that the woman in the photo to be SunYe.

The JYP representative said, “I was also shocked when I saw the photos and immediately phone over to New York. This is all an misunderstanding and we had good laugh out of it. SunYe is currently very healthy and is doing well.”

WonderGirls will be back in Korea on either 19th or 20th to prepare for their upcoming concert.

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Source: kbites

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