The month of March is slowly coming to an end, and the school semester has already begun for more than a month. With the coming of every school year, a common problem met is definitely that of how to make new friends. Even if one were to just have 3 very good friends, it's already considered a fortune, and thus making the right friends is considered to be one's most valued asset. Today, the celebrities who are still learning everyday, and with very good interpersonal skills, have revealed their experiences in maintaining their public relationships.
[Interviewee Jonghyun]
"When you are making new friends."
[Interviewee Onew]
"You must have the confidence to want to get close to the other party."
[Interviewee Jonghyun]
"You must find a common point. It's like when you and that friend talk about a common point, you will just become closer unknowingly."
The secret that SHINee has pointed out: search for a common vpoint! If you can find a common point, it will be best to use that as a topic to start talking. But even before one were to start looking for that common point, there has to be something else to worry about isn't it?
Of course, that is to have a bright smile.
Take out with full credits.
Source: IFensi
Credit: SHINeee
Chinese translations by: 浩慕天雪@闪耀星球
English translations by: atlantis-x@shineee
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