Mar 18, 2009

TVXQ’s UFO Radio Service: “Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Diary”

Posted by Nez

TVXQ made their public UFO Radio Service: “Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Diary”.

“Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Diary” is a service to get the latest updates about TVXQ directly via mobile phone and landline phone service, you can listen to the voice via ARS.

In “Dong Bang Shin Ki diary”, TVXQ members can do fan service by voicing their ideas regarding specific topic.

The subject of recent “Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Diary” is their last February 20-22nd “TVXQ THE 3rd ASIA TOUR CONCERT-MIROTIC”, the members left their own thoughts regarding that topic in direct voice. Just in the opening day, more than 50,000 people simultaneously accessed the line.

When joins in, fans can leave their message in their own voice while TVXQ members can reply them by direct voice and letters as well. Variety of services are also available through this line, such as using voice to foretell destiny, based on tarot cards.

Meanwhile, through “Dong Bang Shin Ki Diary” there will be 5 people selected by lottery pool to get a gift card contains message and autographs from TVXQ members themselves.

Take out with full credits.
Source: sharingyoochun
Credit: Newsen

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