Not content with merely saving energy, Super Junior has moved on to bigger and better things: saving the world. At the most recent KBS Open Concert, Super Junior lip-synched to their hit "Sorry Sorry", then whipped out a surprising cover of Michael Jackson's "Heal The World".
Even with the mediocre Engrish, it was an impressive performance - except only about half of the members actually sang. This performance brings up an issue some ELFs had with the newest album - member equality. Like most of the songs on "Sorry Sorry", the talented KRY-subgroup (Kyuhyun-Ryeowook-Yesung) received most of the limelight during the performance, while the rest of the members were reduced to finding random actions to fill up their stage-time.
As most of the Suju army sing their hearts out during the chorus (or at least pretend to), Shindong awkwardly waves around to the beat...
and Heechul, being his usual goofy self, begins faux-conducting near the end.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the horde of pop stars that is Super Junior, but it's not much of a group if some members barely sing over the course of an entire performance/album. I suppose thirteen members that can both sing and dance is too much to ask for, and for the new album, SM simply decided to highlight SuJu's strengths to the detriment of some of the less-vocally-talented members. Is sacrificing member equality for vocal quality a good move for SM? Hm.
Enough of this pop-group-dynamic philosophy, it's time to lighten the mood with a bit of what Suju does best.
Oh Ryeowook, you sly devil you - EunHyuk never saw it coming.
Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory
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