Big Bang has debuted as fashion models and G-Dragon has undergone yet another transformation. After releasing their Japanese single, Big Bang collaborated with famous photographer Terry Richardson to do photo shoot for the fashion magazine Arena. Big Bang spoke easily with Terry using
Everyone chose what kind of style they preferred and the final product came out with a feeling of freedom while still being sexy. After the shoot Daesung said "I was surprised at the photo shoot concept because it was pretty suggestive, but we were able to get through it comfortably. If there is a chance in the future, I think it would be okay to be even more sexy."
G-Dragon happily mentioned that "Because I really like Terry's photographs, I've always wanted to stand in front of his camera. I've finally fulfilled that wish."
Terry Richardson also put in his two cents saying "I don't think I'll be able to forget Big Bang's innocence. I detest things that have a fixed form or are already set. Instead of feeling like they are stars, I feel like they are normal boys who are still mischievous and full of fun. "
In my opinion, there was just a bit too much guy liner, but the boys turned out fine. G-Dragon on the other hand...I get the feeling that all the fame is going to his head. He's starting to think that people will put up with all the weird looks he is trying to pull off.
This edition will be out on the 20th

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Shared by:Copycatmemory
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