As I'm sure many of you know, about a week ago, employees of Korean Air did a parody of Super Junior's "Sorry, Sorry" and released the video via Cyworld. I actually refrained myself from writing this article because I thought they were terrible. However, this video has been getting a lot of attention in Korea and it has even reached established news sites such as newsen.
Check it out.
They even made a special "making of" video.
Video credits to JaeuraznMV!
Netizens have been on the buzz saying things like, "Seeing these guys so full of enjoyment is great" and "They're actually really good". The other employees at the company said , "The shots they took all around the companies building looked like a lot of fun. We want to join in on the fun to. We are so jealous of them."
Like I said, I still don't think they were great but seeing the making of the video and watching them goof around the entire time was funny. Seeing them in this light has actually made me a fan. I hope they continue to make these videos because this video beats the hell out of some of the other "Sorry, Sorry" parodies out there...
Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory
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