Jul 15, 2009

G-Dragon and Miss Korea… a couple?!

Posted by Nez

Say what?!

There have been a lot of internet rumors lately about Big Bang’s leader G-Dragon having “something” with 2009 Miss Korea Kim Juri… yeah, that “something” being a relationship.

Kim Juri’s name shows up in Big Bang’s first album booklet in the “Thanks to” section… hmm… Additionally, there is record of Kim Juri posting on G-Dragon’s Cyworld homepage… more speculation…

G-dragon’s dongsaeng confirmed that the two were just “high school best friends.”

Kim Juri (21) won the crown of Miss Korea on the 8th of this month. Upon winning, she promised to work hard as Miss Korea and protect the title’s honor.

After winning Miss Korea, maybe she’s setting her sights higher on the man most Korean girls want to marry.

Kim Juri graduated from the Bolshoi Ballet School and enjoys various sports including horseback riding, swimming, golf, and jazz dancing. She dreams of becoming a ballerina or a diplomat, as she is fluent in both English and Russian. Quite a catch!

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