Jul 2, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong startled but doesn't get mad, just blames the fans for being too enthusiastic

Posted by Nez

South Korean idol group SS501 have come to Taiwan, Kim Hyun Joong, Park Jung Min, Kim Kyu Jong, Kim Hyung Joon and Heo Young Saeng got a fright from the over enthusiastic fans. Especially Kim Hyun Joong, he wanted to clarify the day he arrived his expression was bewilderment and not anger and had just got a fright from the over enthusiastic fans.

Funny Jung Min tap dances

SS501 yesterday had came to Taiwan to hold a press conference, leader Kim Hyun Joong felt Taiwan fans on motorcycles chasing after idols is his most memorable impression. Jung Min also said seeing the fans queuing for 7 or 10 days he feels really touched, Kim Hyung Joon expressed that he never of thought that the Taiwan fans would be more enthusiastic than he imagined.

The lively Jung Min was the happiest at the press conference, his band members exposed that he is the most likely to forget lyrics, choreography and eats the most, but never of thought he would cut in quoting a South Korean proverb "being popular, eating until full and then dying in comparison is more beautiful" after making the whole crowd laugh he was punished to drink beer and afterwards had to tap dance.

Kim Hyun Joong heavy sleeper, If a thief came in he'd continue to sleep

Within SS501 Kim Hyun Joong most likes to sleep, he laughed saying "If a thief broke down the door I wouldn't know, I need 20 phone calls to wake me up." Asking what they want to do in the future? Young Saeng said he wanted to be a composer, Hyung Joon wanted to be a manager and Hyun Joong more competitively said he wanted to be higher than a manager and become the president.

Last night about 7:00, SS501 boarded a plane to leave Taiwan, there were 600 enthusiastic fans at the airport to see them off, even the wooden handle on the escalator was pulled off. Hyun Joong carrying a back pack with his clothes fast being pulled off, although he had received a fright but he and the other members still remembered to wave to bid everyone farewell.

Take out with full credits.
Source: Liberty Times
Translated by Elvenstar @ http://asianfanatics.net

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