Aug 9, 2009

ChungRim invites 100 fans to his 100th day debut anniversary fanmeeting

Posted by Nez

In lieu with his 100th day debut after releasing the minialbum ‘Step’, ChungRim will be inviting 100 fans to his fanmeeting.

He will be holding the fanmeeting on 9th August in a small theatre in Seoul JongRi and the first 100 fans to arrive will be invited in for his fanmeeting.

That day, ChungRim will be performing the songs off his debut minialbum and also be singing a new acoustic version of ‘Only in my heart’ from the album.

Currently, ChungRim is modeling for ‘JamBangEe’ together with Han HyoJoo.

He is also appearing for SBS drama ‘Dream’ together with other pretty boy artistes like Marco, Julian Kang, HyunWoo etc.

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