Aug 1, 2009

Coming Soon - Kara Revolution

Posted by Nez

Kara, who has quickly become one of the top girl groups after their songs 'Pretty Girl' and 'Honey' will be releasing their second official album called 'Revolution'. Their teaser pictures showed the changes that have been put in place for their new images and it certainly was interesting. Although I did enjoy laughing at the Engrish in 'Pretty Girl', I'm actually pretty curious as to what they will be bringing to the stage this time.

The title track for this album will be a song called 'Wanna' and the album itself will contain a total of 7 songs with 3 extra bonus songs to make a total of 10 songs in all. There will be all types of genres in this album it seems from an electronic feeling song called 'Mister', to an almost ballad type song called 'Magic'.

The album will be released on July 30th, and it seems there will be a limited edition of 5,000 albums that will come with the photo album and DVD of their June vacation in Okinawa. These will definitely be hot commodities so get them while you can. I mean, Okinawa is an island and June is considered summer so...BIKINI SHOTS?!

Take out with full credits.
Credits:ALLKPOP Shared by:Copycatmemory

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