Aug 22, 2009

Heechul’s Hilarious “Sorry Sorry” Hijinks on THJ Sitcom

Posted by Nez

Super Junior's resident goofball Heechul has taken his hijinks over to the sitcom "Tae-Hee, Hye-Gyo, Ji-Hyun", paying a little visit to his SM hoobae Taemin of SHINee, who features on the show. Amongst the highlights of Heechul's cameo was the ending scene, in which he danced to his group's hit "Sorry Sorry" with much of the cast and crew (though unfortunately, Taemin was nowhere to be seen).

Video Credit: randomRinnie

Though Heechul is typically hilarious (diggin' that Donghae impression at the end), the guy in the striped blue shirt is the secret star of that scene. Check out some more cuts of Heechul and Taemin from the episode, courtesy of iEpixFail3:

Take out with full credits.
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