Aug 1, 2009

Singers like Kim JinHo, Jo Kwon and Ok TaekYeon show that looks is not all for a singer

Posted by Nez

Stars like Kim JinHo, Jo Kwon and TaekYeon goes beyond the ‘looks’ as popular singers

Let’s talk about some of the stars coming out successful from Korea’s audition shows like SG Wannabe Kim JinHo, Davichi Kang MinKyung, 2AM and 2PM.

SG Wannabe Kim JinHo has even met with instances where he was not able to pass auditions due to his looks. He said, “I went to the auditions with the dreams to be a singer. But because of my looks I didn’t made it through. But I’m glad to think that because I didn’t make it through the audition then that I can receive much love as part of SG Wannabe now.”

He continued, “My mother has always praised about her son’s singing in front of the other people at the market and it was overheard by an auntie who works at the music film. And I was called for an audition with this person and I got to debut as a singer.”

Also it has been known that 2AM and 2PM momjjang (best body) members Jo Kwon and TaekYeon were told that they couldn’t make it as singers by people around them because of their looks.

Jo Kwon first appeared in an audition programme in 2000 wearing a pair of glasses which took up about half the size of his face. Also for Ok TaekYeon had gone to the audition with bad fashion sense in something which looks likehis father’s Western suit, it was impressionable eps for his friends who went to the auditions with him.

But the 2 did well in the auditions and trained for a long period of time and are now in Korea’s biggest boybands.

More singers talk about truthfully about their debuts and their experience befor debut on Mnet ‘Superstar K’ aired on 24th July.

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