We thought that the late President Kim Dae Joong's effort to better human rights throughout his life time and TVXQ's unlawful contract situation had a connection so we decided to print the advertisement on today's issue.
We think it came out nicely and we would like to thank all the people who helped make this possible.

1. You must work for at least 13 years
2. You must work 7 days a week of every month of every year
3. Someone else is in charge of your entire income. It is impossible to negotiate on your income
4. All of your schedules and business aims are handled by your office
5. If you do not work for 13 years, you must pay hundreds of billions of Won in compensation
6. If you cannot work for a time due to personal reasons, the term of your contract is lengthened
*At the bottom, flipped upside down*
1~2 Y: You are in no danger. Earn a lot of money
3~5 Y: You may want to consider changing jobs
6 Y: You are TVXQ.
They are worn out emotionally and physically
because they have been doing anything and everything their agency has been telling them to do for the past five years.
They have asked numerous times for a reevaluation and revision of their unlawful contract,
but their agency does not listen to their pleas.
The term for TVXQ's exclusive contract is 13 years.
If they decide to cancel their contract during that time, they must pay thrice the amount of investments,
and twice the amount of money they would have earned during the entire term of the contract for compensation.
This applies even when the contract is canceled after negotiations with the agency.
-Clause 2 Sub clause 1, Clause 11 Sub clause 2, 3 of TVXQ's contract
This is the reality that TVXQ faces.
All they want to do is fix it.

Source: [DNBN]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits
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