Sep 26, 2009

Yoon Eun Hye in Tears over Harsh Criticism

Posted by Nez

Actress Yoon Eun Hye(26), who recently made her comeback after a 2-year long hiatus, was brought to tears during a recent interview. Though she reached the pinnacle of success through her unconventional roles, Yoon Eun Hye's recent attempts of portraying a snotty character on My Fair Lady have received much negative criticism from viewers. Her pronunciation, in particular, has been the topic of netizens’ concerns, due to the fact that it has been hindering her from successfully portraying the fictional character, heiress Kang Hye Na.

Yoon Eun Hye stated, “If I didn’t have to film, I would probably stay in my room all day and cry. But, I can’t do that. I keep thinking about how sad my parents will be when they pick up the newspaper and read all the articles criticizing my acting abilities. I feel like I’m going crazy. Although I try to suppress my feelings and continue filming, there were a number of times when I just broke down and cried. Now, I’m terrified of taking on different roles. I know it takes a long time for an actor’s transformation to be widely accepted by the public, but if it entails such a painful process, I don’t know what to do.

Although there were many people that criticized me, I know there are those that encourage me and appreciate my acting. I’ll take the negative criticism as a reminder for me to remain humble. As an actress and as a woman, I feel as though my age right now is allowing me to evolve. Little by little, I want to show the public my charisma. I’m just saddened by the fact that people won’t give me the chance to fail. I want to fail and to learn, so I hope the public won’t forever label me as unsuccessful.”

Although Yoon Eun Hye has received an enormous amount of success as an actress, many have forgotten her roots. Initially, she had debuted as a singer with the 5 member girl group, Baby V.O.X. She also has a knack for drawing and has even contemplated leaving the industry to chase her dreams of being an artist. Whatever the genre, Yoon Eun Hye has undeniably brought joy to many viewers. Through this interview, she has illustrated the one fact that many tend to forget: celebrities are humans, too. Hopefully, Yoon Eun Hye will keep her head held high and not allow others’ criticism to get under her skin. Fighting!

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