Although the Wonder Girls were the first Korean artists to ever break into the Top 100 in the entire existence of the Billboard charts, their success was short lived.
Will they be able to produce a bigger hit this time around? Only time will tell, however JYP insists on focusing all his energy on the US market as he stated during their press conference in Korea on the 23rd, that the Wonder Girls do not have future plans in Korea at the moment. JYP plans on bringing the girls back to the states soon to completely focus on the US and European markets.
Good luck to the Wonder Girls!
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1 comments on "The Wonder Girls fall off the Billboard Chart"
Their charting at all was probably due to a self-organizing flash-mobbish phenomena of mostly asian persons buying and requesting heavily. Billboard chart sales and request data roll off much like an exponential decay as a function of chart position, not a linear slope. So being at 76 is not too significant.
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