Dec 25, 2009

Another sign of Jaebeom’s return?

Posted by Nez
We reported earlier about group 2PM and their plans to split their earnings with their leader, Jaebeom. Jaebeom (Jay Park), who has been in his hometown of Seattle ever since the break of his scandal, was not involved in the entire making of the "1:59PM" album. But with all of the recent news regarding 2PM, many fans are speculating it is yet another sign of the leader's return.

According to officials, splitting the money with Jaebeom is not ideal, in fact there would be much red tape around it and JYPE would never allow such a thing. But because they have approved the deal, people are thinking that something's up.

Of course, don't think wrong about the boys of 2PM. I'm sure they're doing this out of love but the fact of the matter is, the entertainment group would never had said yes if Jaebeom was not a part of the group. And judging from their performance tributes to the leader, them claiming that 2PM is forever 7 and that Jaebeom is "forever their leader"; come on, it's kind of obvious right?

With talks of a possible show about Jaebeom's return and JYPE not denying this, people are thinking that his return is now a sure thing. But everyone's screaming, "We know!" and the question still remains the same: when? Officials are saying, "All we see in these acts are the significance of Jaebeom's very soon to come return."

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