Pretty disgusting just thinking about it, huh? Well, not for our BEASTy Doojoon! I guess while his fellow group members were rocking the stage in Korea, Doojoon was enjoying himself by eating tasty African bugs.
On the episode of MBC's new program, Danbi that aired on the 6th, Doojoon showed the audience his rather odd taste buds by pouring some dried larvae and ants in his mouth. While chewing what once happened to be crawling insects, Doojoon nonchalantly shouted, "These are rich in protein!"
The fans were not only entertained by Doojoon's surprising appetite, but also got a good laugh listening to his poor English used to lower the price for such an extravagant snack. Thanks to his good looks and charm, Doojoon managed to get a successful dee-soo-cow-woon-too! Check out the video below starting at 7:59.
Make sure to visit B2ST Rising for more on BEAST.
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Shared by:Copycatmemory
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