Dec 8, 2009

G-Dragon’s First Solo Concert is Finally Here!

Posted by Nez

It’s the day that we’ve all been waiting for (maybe some more than others as most of us can’t afford to travel to Korea)! Today is the day that G-Dragon’s first solo concert is set to take place! And who’s to argue that it probably isn't one of the most anticipated concerts of Korean pop history?!

After having been dubbed ‘The Artist who Sold the Most Albums in 2009’ with album sales breaking just over the 127,000 mark, G-Dragon’s Shine A Light concert is finally here! And earlier today, because he just couldn’t hold in his excitement, he updated his me2day stating, “It’s finally D-Day!! I’m so anxious^^. Let’s have fun! See you later ~ Goodnight!

There’s no doubt that fan girls are going crazy right now. They even managed to make #gdragon the #1 trending topic on Twitter.

Although I’m bummed that I can’t make it to the concert, I’m excited for his solo concert debut. But who knows! There will probably be tons of fancams going around so keep your chins up and eyes on the lookout!

Thanks to muffinlove11 for the tip.

Also, don't forget to visit BBVIP for more Big Bang goodness!

Take out with full credits.

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