Dec 20, 2009

Jo Kwon, Sungmin & Jonghyun to become the “Christmas Boys” on Star King

Posted by Nez
2AM's Jo Kwon, Super Junior's Sungmin, SHINee'sJonghyun will take part in Star King's special Christmas segment, "Christmas Boys."

The Star King episode will air on the 19th and the group of boys will perform the popular song My Love by Westlife.

Kim Ji Ho, a blind aspiring singer, will be featured along with the male idols; his story provoked an emotional and touching reaction from the audience during filming. Kim Ji Ho proved that his disability has not hindered him from thriving to become a healthy and confident singer.

Some of the audience members of the show expressed, "This moment was a very emotional one. One would not understand the degree of emotion if they were to not see the segment."

Get ready to get your boxes of tissue ready because this episode is going to be a tear-jerker!

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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