Feb 7, 2010

Brown Eyed Girls’ Ga-in reacts to 2AM Seulong’s boobs

Posted by Nez

Ga-In left a message on 2AM member Im Seulong’s minihompy which read, “Please don’t wear tight shirts. I’m asking you for a favor.”

The reason behind her request is Im Seulong’s rather popping moobs chest muscles. In 2AM’s newest music video for Won’t let you go even if I die, Seulong gets down on his knees while getting wet in the rain. The wet shirt sticks to his body and shows off his assets.

Ga-In has talked about his chest before. On her and Jo Kwon’s me2day she wrote, “Im Seulong’s chest… I don’t want to say this but compared to mine they are…kkkk.”

Girls, are you kind of jealous of him or what?

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