Feb 16, 2010

Cute selca photos of WonderGirls new member HyeLim revealed

Posted by Nez

Photos of new member HyeRim (LIM), who is set to replace WonderGirls SunMi on the team, revealed online have been garnering much attention from netizens.

Currently on various portal sites, selca photos of HyeRim and photos taken together with her friends have been posted up and gathering much discussions from netizens. HyeLim and SunMi are bout 92-er. But of them have huge eyes, and their smiles are similarly cute.

HyeLim is Korean by nationality and holds a PR in HongKong. She is fluent in 4 lauguages – Korean, English, Chinese and Cantonese. The reason for her joining WonderGirls is due to her langauge capabilities which will aid WonderGirls in their overseas promotions.

She is also known for her great dancing and singing capabilities as part of Chinese version of WonderGirls. With these conditions, HyeRim was also able to join WonderGirls with the sudden news of SunMi leaving the group.

Amidst all the sadness about SunMi’s leaving, the cute features of HyeRim has also garnered much interests

Netizens’ comments on the photos are, “She has a pretty face”, “I’m curious since she is fluent in different languages and said to be good in dancing and singing” etc.


Take out with full credits.
Credits:K Bites
Shared By:Copycatmemory

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