Feb 16, 2010

YounHa, BEAST DongWoon and 2AM JinWoon on their high school graduation day!

Posted by Nez

Previously reported that YounHa was down to largyngitis and need to stop her activities due to her illness.

Yet, today (Feb 4), YounHa attends her special high school graduation at HwiGyeong High School – Seoul.

Why special : YounHa was actually dropped out of high school on 2004 for her singing career in Japan, yet, she managed to accomplished the graduation condition via the surrogate method given by the school.

YounHa is currently enrolled to Hankuk University major in Japanese and is in her 3rd year.

Meanwhile, other stars who also receives their high school diploma today are : BEAST Son DongWoon who is accompanied by his hyungs DooJoon, HyunSeung, YoSeob and JunHyung and 2AM Jung JinWoon who is accompanied as well by his hyung Lee ChangMin.

More photos under the cut!


BEAST DongWoon

2AM JinWoon

Take out with full credits.
Credits:K Bites
Shared By:Copycatmemory

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