A war has been declared by T-ara and Kara fans recently and it’s getting kind of scary serious.
It all started when both groups made a comeback around the same time. The competition between the two groups wasn’t really getting fierce at that point though because it’s been revealed that the gals are all close friends in real life. On the 19th however, there was a mistake on Music Bank: the results indicated that T-ara won, but the scores had been mixed up and it was really Kara who came out on top. Then on the 21st, T-ara took the Mutizen award.
However, this is not what got fans angry.
The issue that’s been making news is a recent CD extortion case that allegedly arose when T-ara fans extorted Kara CDs earlier this month. As a result, Kara’s fan club Kamilia asked for an official apology from T-ara’s fans. On the 21st, KARA’s official website’s “Kara with Kamilia” section had a new post by the members. It said,
We ask T-ara’s fans for an official apology. This is not a matter we can just ignore.
On the 7th, middle school Kara’s fans got their CD’s extorted [forcibly taken away through intimidating] and got threats from T-ara’s fans. We didn’t know whose fans they were at the time but we saw them line up for T-ara’s fan section at Music Bank on the 19th.
Also, on the 21st, Kamilias heard T-ara fans yell hateful comments with curse words in it after T-ara won the Mutizen award.
Next week, we hope to get an apology from T-ara’s fans at the music programs. CD extortion is illegal so if the students that did that come to us, we can talk over the problem. We always try to get past problems but bothering fans that are there to just love an artist is not acceptable.
Then T-ara’s fans responded,
Because of the error at Music Bank, T-ara’s fans were not happy. At the moment, another artist’s fan said to a T-ara fan that they think they got their CD extorted by the T-ara fan. The T-ara fan denied it and another fan said, “I think it was a misunderstanding. Sorry.” I was told it ended at that point. But now, people are saying, “We know T-ara’s fans extorted our CD’s and we can remember the faces.” If this accusation is true, we will apologize at a music program.
Regarding the accusations about T-ara’s fans cursing out another artist’s fans, we will look into it and reveal information as soon as we figure things out.
Let’s think of it this way: T-ara won M! Countdown, Kara won Music Bank and T-ara won Inkigayo. Last week, Kara won everything. All I can say is that the fans are probably jealous of each others’ groups’ success and are creating drama to let their anger out.
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Shared By:Copycatmemory
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