Mar 27, 2010

T-Max gets a new member Park HanBi, preparations for comeback album in the midst

Posted by Nez

T-Max will get a new member.

Currently consisting of members Kim Joon, Shin MinChul and Park YoonHwa, T-Max will get a new member Park HanBi (20). Park HanBi is a 2nd year college student studying theatres and video at MyeongJi Specialty School. Park HanBi has been training to be a singer for 3 years at a entertainment company and he recently passed the audition to be part of T-Max.

Park HanBi is not only known for his powerful vocals, he is also known for his ‘flower boy’ looks like Jang GeunSeok and Kim HyunJoong.

According to T-Max’s company, “Park HanBi is a talented newcomer whom we had chosen from many auditionees. He is currently working with the current 3 members of the group. We feel that he will add to a new energy to the team.”

“The response for this new member is good, because as a singer, he has also received many proposals for acting projects. He has the qualities of a multi-tainer.”

Park HanBi revealed, “It’s like a dream to be part of T-Max. I will work as T-Max’s new member and as the youngest member. “

Meanwhile, T-Max will be releasing their full length 1st album this first half of the year.


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Credits:K Bites
Shared By:Copycatmemory

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