Mar 29, 2010

Tag From My Beloved Friends

Posted by Nez
Hello there!
It's Rienie here.
Well,I really dont post much bout myself because I dont have much time to do so.
My bestfriend,Zati,have tagged me to do this sooooo long time ago but I didnt have much time to do it.
Mianhae k~
After all,our blog is about kpop so that's why I dont post much bout myself.
Anyway,for the tagged...

1) You have to print screen wallpaper that you are using right now..

Well,this is the wallpaper that I've been using on my computer right now.Very old picture eh??
But I will always keep the faith <3

2) Tell us why u like the wallpaper

Well,I'm DBSK's fan,a Cassie so that's why I'm using DBSK's wallpaper.I love this picture because it;s remind me of the good old days.Ah,I miss to see all the DBSK members to be together.Hmm..

I also like it because the picture is colouful and look so happy and bring good mood to me ^^
Credit to the person who make this wallpaper.Kamsahamnida!

3) Tag 10 people.

Ah,I dont know who to tag so if you read this post then you have to do it.Fair eh??

We already reach 400 000+ hits!!Thanks so much for reading our blog!! ^__^

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